Wednesday 11 May 2011


what makes gladiator an action hero?

  • What he is wearing
  • what his name is
  • Body Structure
  • Weapons
  • Fighting 
  • tone of voice
The hero needs to be physically strong to be able to fight and travel long distances across difficult terrain. (Hancock) - In one particular scene. He lifts up cars with his bare hands and when he lands back down, he makes dents in to the ground. 

The hero needs to be intelligent and a quick thinker in order to solve problems. (Jackie Chan in Rush Hour) -  In one particular scene Jackie Chan is faced with a problem to fight around ten guys at once and he thinks fast and climbs a wall and hits the men with things that are around him which shows he's a very quick thinker. 

The hero needs to be a leader to have followers and gain our trust. (Robin Hood) - He is a leader of trained band of fighters which shows he is capable of leading a group. 

The hero needs to be unstoppable to keep the audience interested. (Hancock) - in one particular scene Hancock keeps trying to help people, and by helping others, he would ruin something else which would cause problems for the city. 

The hero needs to be experienced in order to cope with all dangers and obstacles. (Batman) - In one particular scene Batman has a mechanical cape which includes weapons and helps him fly. 

Why did you choose the heroes you chose?
- I chose these heroes because they really stand out in the film and even though they may not be the main character they still stand out because of how they act and how their character develops throughout the film to then become a hero and save people from things that are not good. 


-Superman is iconography. The superman symbol is used frequently and is recognisable to many.

Iconography:- Gladiator
gladiator_3.jpgWe can tell from the pictures that it is an Action Adventure film because the image shows two men fighting dressed in an armour holding swords. It connotes anger and the urge to win against the enemy. They are very built which shows strength and power. It shows low key lighting with shadows which may suggest death towards the end. The image also shows an audience which signifies power because they are all there for him and are supporting the gladiator.

Raiders-of-the-Lost-Ark-80s-films-431410_1024_768.jpgRaiders of the lost ark:- This is set in Egypt, i know this because of the transcript written all over the walls behind him, it also looks like he is sitting in a tomb. It is set using high key lighting which may represent a happy ending or a happy life. He is looking down at something with a worried facial expression which may connote he is afraid of something and or someone. He also has his hand out which may suggest he is reaching out for something. He is arabian, i no this as he is wearing arabian clothes which connotes that he is trying to fit in as he may be a spy or an undercover agent or maybe secret police trying to find out about something that he may think is going on. This image however does not show that it is based on an action adventure film as there is no fighting involved or any weapons shown in the image.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

casino royale

British Viewers
American Viewers

Action/Violence/ Weapons/Attractive Women: - this would appeal to Men as most men tend to like movies full of action and love a fight.
Man walking out of the sea/ Romance:- This may appeal to Woman as some women may want to watch it because of him and he could be connoted as one of the heroes in the movie. also because women are stereotyped to like romantic films.
American Viewers: As some people had an American Accent in the trailer. Expensive Cars, Planes,
Teens: Bombings
British Viewers: James Bond, British Film, Women had a british accent.

The two categories that had the most annotations was Men and American Viewers. The category that had the least was teenagers and adults.

I dont think that the makers of the film and trailer intentionally tried to involve the top two groups and, alienate the bottom two because. no matter whether your a teenager, men, women, adults, british or american, if the trailer interests you then that up to you whether you want to go and watch it or not. They haven't made the trailer/film just for a particular category. They would want a large audience and for that reason i don't think they have alienated the audience.

I think the figures of Casino Royale do support my ideas above because worldwide the gross was: $594,239,066. I don't think that the film would of been so successful if all of the categories listed above didn't go to watch it. I think because men, women, teenagers, and british and american viewers went to watch the film. it was more successful so it wasn't alienated for a particular person. However, if Men went to watch the film and no one else from the category above did, the gross wouldn't be as high as it is and they may have lost out on millions however the makers of the trailer had certain clips from the film which may appeal to different age group and genders so that more people would watch it.

Pirates of the Caribbean:- 3 things that are on the poster which suggests it fits in to action adventure...
- Holding Swords, connotes danger, fear and anger.
- Skull on the right, connotes death,
- scary looking man on the front.

The Fugitive:-
- Worried/ Scared facial expression
- Looks like he's running away from something
- Male

- Holding a sword, connotes power and suggests that people should be afraid of him.
- wearing an armour, connotes that he is ready to fight which suggests a battle.
- Background colour which is orangey brown which signifies fire and death.

- Two characters on the front are not normal humans which could connote fantasy action/adventure
- Planes flying around which suggests action taking place
- the actual name of the film 'Avatar'

The poster which seems to fit neatly in the action adventure genre is Pirates of the Caribbean. This is because it has a lot on it to suggest action and adventure. For example, the skull, the characters on the front with a scary facial expression which could be intimidating to the audience because they all have a slight look on their face. The swords also suggest action adventure because it could connote murder, a fight, a battle between others.

The hardest to define as an action adventure film is The fugitive. This is because the poster does not give much away. It is of a man who is running from something/someone but no one know why or who he's running from. Also the background is of a train which is quite blurred out from moving which could connote a murder because of the mans facial expression but you could not guess that from the poster.

What should an audience expect from a film in the Action Adventure genre?
An audience should expect a hero, villain, someone who may die or be saved by the hero. A happy ending in some or a tragic ending in another. it should include a lot of fighting and blood. It should be fairly typical in most action adventure movies and include a lot of weapons and a team of people on either side who are fighting for the opposite things. It should also have a plot which will involve murders, journeys, romance, and something that will come together and be sorted out in the end. It should control how much we already now till the very end to keep us watching and waiting to see what the outcome is in the end. This is because if it gives the story away people will lose interest and wont bother watching it.

Why are Action Adventure films so popular with audiences?
- People enjoy watching action and enjoy fighting
- The storylines are simple, short and easy to follow
- Most people prefer Action/Adventure compared to a lot of other genres as it can be quite entertaining
- It keeps you entertained and theres always something going on in the film
- Suspense
-You want to no what will happen and how it ends
- Some action adventure films have certain celebrities who play heroes/villains which will get more people to watch it
- It can be exciting depending on the storyline and how its structured.
- Often portray institutions
- Stereotypical Conflict

Why do some people criticise Action Adventure films?
Some people may criticise Action Adventure films because that particular genre may not interest them. The storyline in nearly every action adventure movie is the same. They are very predictable. It has a very simple theme and cheesy dialogues which people will not enjoy. They are also stereotyped as women who are the ones getting saved by the hero that is a male. Also low quality scripts.

Pitch Idea for a new Action Adventure film that shows many of the usual conventions of the Action Adventure genre. Ensure that at least one of your main character is 'Non Stereotypical' describe the film...

- Title: Shadowed Identity
- Age Certificate: 15 +
- plot:- The story is about a young guy called Nathan who goes through troubles to make his dream of being a musician become a reality. He struggles through his life as his dad was his rock and he died when Nathan was a little boy. Nathan goes on a journey of stardom and after everyone turning him down and going against him, his dreams come true. Once he becomes successful rumours started to spread about him saying he was an undercover superhero. Everyone is against him apart from the heros. Watch the film to find out what happens to him!
Aston:- Hero
Aishah:- Heroine
Alexandra Burke:- Villain
Nathan:- Victim

-What films inspired your idea: CatWomen
- How you have ensured that one character is 'non stereotypical.' I have made myself the hero as women are always sereotyped to be the weak ones in films as the victim. However my story is different as the woman saves the male instead which shows the stronger sides of girls!