Monday 31 October 2011

Submarine (After Viewing)

Voiceover and Narrative:- Submarine makes very extensive use of voiceover. The use of voiceover in films is sometimes criticised, as there is a feeling that a film shoul rely on the visual narrative and the narrative conveyed in the dialogue.

What effects do you think are achieved by having Oliver speak directly to the audience through voiceover?
- Having Oliver doing the voiceovers is more effective than anyone doing the voiceover because the audience no that it is coming from the main character. Because of this, the audience can connect with Oliver more because the audience believe the audience is speaking directly to them.

Do you think there is a gap between what Oliver says about himself and the reality that we see on the screen? If so, what effects does this create?
- No because throughout the film Oliver is very open about everything thats on his mind. He's not afraid to say how he feels or what he wants and he makes the audience aware of everything on his mind. If there was a gap between what Oliver says about himself and the reality that we see on the screen, it would make it extremely confusing for the audience to understand the story because he would be saying one thing but then the reality we see on the screen would be different which is not the case.

The voiceover and Literature:-
Submarine is based on a 2008 novel by Joe Dunthorne. The influences of other books, especially JD Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye' (1951), have been discussed un relation to the film.

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