Sunday 26 February 2012

Idea of TV Crime Drama

Name of show:- CrimeTeen
Sub genre/hybrid:- Buddy Cop
Two female police officers
other members of police
extras and workers
Audience:- Mainly teenagers however adults may be interested in the programme aswell
Time slot and channel:- 7:00pm BBC1
Length of show:- 30 minutes
Plot for first episode:- The first episode will be based around teenagers. In the first episode the kids will receive letters sent to parents regarding a school trip which will teach them basic life skills in certain situations. During this episode the kids will visit the stadium where the trip takes place along side their teachers. They are taught about taking items off strangers e.g sweets which look like drugs and the effects it can have on them. They are taught about safety on public transport. The workers play an act on the students and one stabs another and runs off which leaves the kids traumatised. After a few of these tricks the kids begin to realise that everything is just one big prank and that everything that is going on isnt real but they could be faced with something similar in the future. They are then taken into a room which looks very much like a house and the class of about 30 kids are split up into 5 groups of 6. The worker shows them pictures of what a real fire looks like and what they should be aware of and he makes an excuse and leaves the building when a fire alarm goes off and they are trapped in the building. Because of the previous acts the workers were doing, the kids saw this fire as a joke and laughed about it and was waiting for the worker to return. What they didn't no is that the fire was in fact real and something had gone wrong inside the building so they had to escape fast.

Another unexpected crime will also take place on the trip where one of the students gets killed whilst wandering off to look around for his phone. Somehow a group of guys who have escaped from prison all dressed in black with face masks to cover their faces attack him and one of them shoot him and run off. A worker finds him a while after and calls the ambulance and police.

It will end with ambulances arriving at the scene, police arriving a few injured kids and one lying on the floor with blood shooting out of his stomach and everyones in a panic. This is so that it keeps the audience locked into it and it will make them want to watch the second episode to see what happens to the kids and so on. The next episode will involve a multiple amount of crimes and cases to make it more *enjoyable* and exciting to watch.
Tweet of press release:- the programme will have its own twitter and will tweet the information on times dates and exclusive behind the scenes videos and photos. - HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A SCHOOL TRIP THATS GONE WRONG?! HAS IT EVER BEEN AS BAD AS YOUR FRIENDS GETTING HURT!? DONT MISS OUT ON OUR BRAND NEW TV SHOW CRIMETEEN!

Friday 17 February 2012

More scenes filmed...

Notes for evaluation:

Friday 17th February:
Today we filmed...
The argument scene between Melody and her mum
The walking scene with Renee and Melody
The running away scene and banging the door shut (for the drop after drug taking scene next)

Tomorrow we need to film a few more fight scenes with Renee and Daniel and we need to re film the ghost scene to show Renee being able to see Meoldy which adds to the tension in the trailer

WWW: we work really well together as a team
- all take on board eachothers ideas
- add eachothers ideas together to make one big idea and incorporate it into our scenes
- Our editing and filming has gone well

- Still incomplete
- Need to add an extra 59 seconds into our trailer
- Last minute cancellations from other characters
- Plan better to avoid the problems faced with