Friday 17 February 2012

More scenes filmed...

Notes for evaluation:

Friday 17th February:
Today we filmed...
The argument scene between Melody and her mum
The walking scene with Renee and Melody
The running away scene and banging the door shut (for the drop after drug taking scene next)

Tomorrow we need to film a few more fight scenes with Renee and Daniel and we need to re film the ghost scene to show Renee being able to see Meoldy which adds to the tension in the trailer

WWW: we work really well together as a team
- all take on board eachothers ideas
- add eachothers ideas together to make one big idea and incorporate it into our scenes
- Our editing and filming has gone well

- Still incomplete
- Need to add an extra 59 seconds into our trailer
- Last minute cancellations from other characters
- Plan better to avoid the problems faced with

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