Tuesday 27 March 2012

contents page

Contents Page: Aishah Kibria


Research………………………………………………………….. 1
Location shots……………………………………………………...3
Production roles…………………………………………………….5
Equipment for filming……………………………………………...6
Storyboard shots 1-3……………………………………………….7
Storyboard shots 4-6……………………………………………….8
Storyboard shots 7-9……………………………………………….9
Marketing Poster…………………………………………………...10
Cast list……………………………………………………………..11


Monday 26 March 2012

Schedule and my role

Saturday 19th Nov; Chiswick Park Station, White City. Film the drug scene, and anything new ideas.10am - 3pm
Sunday 20th; Hounslow, Humaira's house, 11am - 3pm
Characters needed: Melody and Sheida..
Saturday 26th; Film Melody in hospital, running scenes with Renee and Melody. Also film the chair spinning scene and where Melody knocks on the door.
Sunday 27th; Knife scene with Daniel, and argument scenes with Daniel and Melody. Melody disappearing.
We also had an unexpected filming day in February where we filmed a Melody and Renee best friend relationship scene, and her mother shouting at her.

We all had an equal role in filming and production. As we were in a group of three we thought it would be a good idea for us to star the protagonists in the trailer. Therefore I took on the role of Melody and Humaira took on the role of Renee. We got a friend to fill in and help us shoot all the scenes which involved Daniel (Renees boyfriend) when I was in front of the camera, Humaira and Sheila took on the role to film and we as a team decided on where the camera would go, what shot type we would shoot at and whether we should use high key or low key lighting. When Humaira was in front of the camera me and Sheida took on the role of filming and giving direction to them especially during the argument scenes. I thought it would be good to take on the role behind and on camera as you get a feel of what it's like both ways and you get more involved in both aspects of putting the trailer together.

Most of our trailer is in chronological order because when we carried out the survey most people said they would prefer it to be like that however we didn't do it all that way because we wanted to keep the suspense going.

Throughout our trailer there are some scenes which Include diegetic sound such as characters speaking, Renees phone going off when Melodys mum called because we thought that this would give it more life and show a slight amount of realism. We also had non diegetic sound such as the trailer soundtrack which starts off slowly then builds as the scenes get faster and pacier. We also decided to include the sound from a heart monitor when Melody was in hospital because we improvised this scene in a bedroom and wanted to bring it more to life.

As a group we wanted summit entertainment to be our institution because we looked at many trailers and thought it would fit in well with ours. After watching the Breaking dawn movie trailer, we decided to use summit as it shows a 'professional' side to our trailer as a whole.

location shots

Cadaverous poster

portfolio (rough)



phone light for lighting


imovie for the picture and sound edit, photoshop for the marketing poster, internet for researching films
garage band for sound edit
imac computers


kitchen knives
half filled pill bottle
mobile phones
white blanket
white wire (headphone wire)
pen and paper


add the photos to the portfolio.

why shoot in front of pub?
because we couldnt decide on what lighting to use therefore we thought it would be best to go outside a pub because it  negative connotes violence, drinking and anti social behaviour. We went out at a time there was shadows which is effective and is also a convention of the thriller genre

Shoot outside melody's house.
because it was easy access and we used this when Renee drops Melody off at her house at the beginning of a trailer. we decided to use this shot first as it looks really natural and because we wanted to gradually make it more and more interesting as it went on. I thought that if we were to put a dramatic scene first and then this, people would get bored because the thing that you were looking forward to has already happened.

humairas bedroom connotes a safe environment

toilet connotes privacy, low key lighting, echoed sound,

the stairs

Monday 19 March 2012


Cadaverous is based around a relationship between two young people and a ghost which is the slight twist. The girl (Renee) the girlfriend realises that its not love between them but Daniel (her boyfriend) is actually obsessed with her. He is the jealous type who cant stand to see her with another guy even if they are just friends. The girl cannot stand to see her with anyone else but himself and when she tells him she wants to leave him things get ugly. He wants to be with her but if thats not possible then he wants her dead as he's a fanatic so decides to try and kill her. This is where Melody fits in the picture. She is Renee's best friend however shes having troubles of her own throughout this film with her mum. She's never allowed out with her friends, she has no social life, she has no brothers or sisters, no Dad just her and her mum. Her mum has always left her trapped inside her house and one day Melody cannot take it anymore and decides to have an overdose of tranquilizers because she is sick of her life. Her ghost is still around when shes in a coma and only Renee can see her ghost. Melody has seen what Daniel is planning and goes to Renee to tell her so that they can escape before its too late.


Melody Davidson (Aishah Kibria) is a 15 year old girl who has recently been getting into alot of arguments with her mother. One evening Melody's close friend drops her home but refuses to come in. Melody's mother becomes angry and tells Melody that she cannot hang out with hre friends as she does not approve of them. Melody becomes overly depressed with the constant arguments and attempts to commit suicide by taking an over dose of tranquillizers. The suicide fails and Melody ends up in coma. Melody's spirit is trapped on earth, meaning she hasn't died nor is she alive.

Renee DiNozzo (Humaira Chuhan) , Melody's close friend, finds out about what has happened but she also has her own problems. Renee is stuck in an stressful relationship but she doesn't know it is also about to become a dangerous one. She spends her days thinking of the arguments and abuse she'd get from her soon to be ex- boyfriend.

Daniel Kaul (Karuhn Nahar) becomes obsessed and controlling over Renee; the relationship becomes too much for Renee so she decides to break up with him. Although Renee doesn't know that Daniel suffers from mental disorder. Daniel sees no point in Renee being alive if she's not going to be with him, so he comes up with a plan to kill her. As Melody's ghost can not be seen, she follows and finds out everything.

At this time Melody is still in hospital and still in a coma. She suddenly has a quick flash of Daniel picking up a knife and suddenly wakes up.She decides that saving her friends life is more important than anything else so she goes to see Renee and helps her get away from daniel safely. Whether Renee gets away from daniel and survives is left open.