Friday 16 March 2012

Brief Evaluation

Aims of production: To make a 2 minute trailer (thriller genre)
Target audience: 12A (include film classification which is also on the blog)
How does our film appeal to the target audience? It involves a relationship between two teenagers which is on verge of a breakup and theres a twist to the story which is melody the ghost so you expect something different. Not the typical relationship gone wrong.
Genre: thriller
2. What codes and conventions of your chosen genre have you used?
Knife; to show the audience that Daniel is upto something and that he's mental as he wants to try N kill renew because she doesn't want to be with him anymore. We however shot two knives one bigger than the other to show that he is so angry with her that he goes for the bigger one which adds suspense to the trailer.
We also include dramatic sound/music: we used this as it builds up tension throughout the trailer and builds up the suspense and tension which the scenes create. Also because it helps bring the scenes to life and we think that it works well with our chosen genre.
Quickcuts: we used cutaways in some parts of our tension to show the audience a snippet of something exciting which will make them want to watch it and see what was happening.
Dramatic irony: we decided that it would be a good idea if the audience knew what happens because it keeps them hooked into the trailer and it makes them want to keep watching to see if the characters find out what they already know.
Violence: to show the violence which occurs as some people enjoy this more compared to the typical argumentative relationships. This occurs between the boy and the girl (Renee and Daniel) also because complicated relationships do occur in real life so it may relate to some people who watch our film.

How are people represented in the trailer?
Melody is represented as a loving girl who cares about her friends and family. She is however a very lonely girl as she's never allowed out with her friends. She doesn't get on with her mum very well and ends up committing suicide because she is sick and tired of her mum controlling her and never letting her out of the house other than when she goes to school.
Renee is also represented as a sweet girl who loves her friends and family. However she's also the victim as she's stuck in this abusive relationship and is trying to escape from it.
Daniel is represented as a *villan* as he is obsessed with Renee and is jealous if she hangs around with other guys. He always wants her to himself and he gets mental when she says she doesn't want to be with him anymore.
Melodys mum is represented as a horrible character as she's too controlling towards her only daughter and because of her melody kills herself.

How are places represented in the trailer?
The pub represents drunk people (violence) (conflict)
House represents a safe environment
Bedroom represents privacy and safe

If our film was to be released in cinemas it would be shown all around the UK and advertised all over billboards, television and on fast food bags such as mc Donald's happy meals.

What went well with production?
We worked well together, we got on well. We knew our story and had ideas on how we were going to film different scenes. We planned what to wear to fit out character and decided where we were going to shoot each scene.

What could we improve?
Some couldn't turn up to filming which resulted in rescheduling on some days and getting more work jumbled on work that we still needed to do. We had to go and re film some more scenes as it didnt make sense.

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