Monday 19 March 2012


Melody Davidson (Aishah Kibria) is a 15 year old girl who has recently been getting into alot of arguments with her mother. One evening Melody's close friend drops her home but refuses to come in. Melody's mother becomes angry and tells Melody that she cannot hang out with hre friends as she does not approve of them. Melody becomes overly depressed with the constant arguments and attempts to commit suicide by taking an over dose of tranquillizers. The suicide fails and Melody ends up in coma. Melody's spirit is trapped on earth, meaning she hasn't died nor is she alive.

Renee DiNozzo (Humaira Chuhan) , Melody's close friend, finds out about what has happened but she also has her own problems. Renee is stuck in an stressful relationship but she doesn't know it is also about to become a dangerous one. She spends her days thinking of the arguments and abuse she'd get from her soon to be ex- boyfriend.

Daniel Kaul (Karuhn Nahar) becomes obsessed and controlling over Renee; the relationship becomes too much for Renee so she decides to break up with him. Although Renee doesn't know that Daniel suffers from mental disorder. Daniel sees no point in Renee being alive if she's not going to be with him, so he comes up with a plan to kill her. As Melody's ghost can not be seen, she follows and finds out everything.

At this time Melody is still in hospital and still in a coma. She suddenly has a quick flash of Daniel picking up a knife and suddenly wakes up.She decides that saving her friends life is more important than anything else so she goes to see Renee and helps her get away from daniel safely. Whether Renee gets away from daniel and survives is left open.

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