Friday 30 September 2011

My Pitch

My idea was about a young girl and boy in a long term relationship. They really like eachother however, everytime the girl would ask the boy if he was free to go out. He would always make excuses and they hardly ever went on dates. In the end the girl decides to break up with the boy as she doesnt think their relationship will last because she believes that he is hiding something from her and she thinks he may be cheating on her. Throughout this film, the girl never knew that her boyfriend had a mental illness and he was obsessed with her. This meant that if he saw her with another boy he would lose it and get jealous. He couldnt stand her talk to any boy apart from himself. After she breaks up with him he goes crazy and gets some people to kill her while shes waiting for her friends to go for dinner.
Genre: Thriller
Rating:- PG

Monday 26 September 2011

Review Survey Homework

From the survey i submitted on google docs i saw that, 81% of 13-16 year olds 10% of 17-20 year olds and 10% 21+ replied and submitted their answers. 90% enjoyed the trailer and 10% did not. 67% of people said that they would pay to watch the movie in cinemas, 14% said they wouldnt pay to watch the movie in cinemas and 19% said they might pay to watch the movie in cinemas.
Here is the responses i got from the questions i asked...

To improve my questionnaire i could have included a few more questions about what their thoughts were before they watched the trailer and just read the movie title, How the trailer made them feel, whether they thought the trailer was successful in promoting the movie, whether the name of the movie caught their attention, and more.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging trailer

Focusing on Editing, Sound, titles and written language, picture (use of different shot types)

Trailer starts off with the main character speaking (Character Dialogue)
It quickly cuts into the Institution of the film which is paramount and (Nickelodeon Movies)

Music/Sound:- Specifically selected for the different scenes in the trailer. Its quite fast but then increases more speed as the trailer goes on. When there is spoken dialogue in between each short scene, the music goes back to how it was in the beginning then increases in speed again. The music also indictates the Genre of the film as in some parts its *Shes so lovely* which is a teenage song (stereotypically) It has a good beat to it and brings the trailer to life. This also helps to catch the audiences attention because its quite catchy.

Editing:/titles/written language- Each short scene in the trailer has very short cuts that you dont catch it you blink! However this isnt for all. Some scenes are set out from a typical teenage perspective. Its set out as a notebook/diary and the words "How to flaunt it" appears on it whilst the voice over (Narrarator) says it. Then it repeats however it says "How to stylet it" but on the right hand side of the page and previously it was on the left. The next short clip after that has a small transition which moves the page from left to right and goes straight into the next scene. Also the next scene after that has the same affect with whats being said by the narrarator on the diary which is "How to make an entrance" and it links in to the next scene. The next short clip in the trailer shows Georgia (The character that the narrarator is talking about) enter a room full of people dressed as an olive and everyone gasps and stares at her which is a freeze frame within the shot. After this is shows a clip (birds eye view) of school and people walking which speeds up.

Picture:- A range of different shot types have been used in this trailer such as...
Panning up then down whilst georgia says *Today is the first day of my life as the new georgia*
Long shots to show whats going on around them and shows the stereotypical *school girl* image.
Close Ups to show how the characters feeling and feels like you have a connection with them as it is quite life like.
Over the shoulder shot to see exactly what the character see's so your basically the character.

Different locations and settings are also in the trailer like...

- Georgia's house
- Out and about
- School
- Kitchen
- Her Bedroom
- at a party
- At the swimming pool

Friday 9 September 2011

Assignment 3 - Movie Trailers

1. Ferris Buellers Day Off

  • Titles throughout the trailer
  • Dialogue from characters 
  • background music
  • Character speaking to camera - Direct Address
  • Different shot types used
  • Institution at the beginning - 20th century fox
  • Titles are repeated a few times to show importance, whilst background music is played and characters are talking. (Dialogue)
  • Characters name gets repeated several time also to show importance.
  • Close Ups used on facial expressions.
  • Different settings used throughout the trailer
  • Filom title shown again near the end of the trailer.
  • Quick cuts of different scenes throughout
  • slight humour to keep the audience interested and to make them want to watch it.
  • We find oout from the trailer that 3 people are taking a day off school.. this might want to make people watch it to see where they go and what happens to them.
  • Narraration used throughout
  • Dialogue from characters
  • Tells us what some of the characters are like
  • Lets us know who the characters are
  • card at the end to show everyone involved in the film and its making. E.g Director, producer.
  • Tells us the name of the film at the end
  • Institution is shown
  • Background music is used - No lyrics
3. The Breakfast Club
  • Institution shown at the beginning
  • quite (scary) voice over
  • Humming noise in the background
  • Different camera shots used
  • Settings were different throughout the trailer
  • Music gradually got louder towards the end which builds tension
  • Non human characters shown in the trailer which questions the audience and might make them want to watch the film.
  • Gunshots heard right at the beginning
  • Tells us that its about a princess from another world.
  • Could be an adventure in different worlds
  • Quick cuts throughout the trailer
  • Institution - Picturehouse
  • Towards the end everything gets quiter and the name of the film is told by the nararrator.
  • No character dialogue has been used. (Spanish film)
  • Slight amount of transitions used
  • As part of marketing purposes, Reviews have been used to show what an excellent film it actually is.
  • Dilemma right at the beginning
  • Audience is told straight away that the girl is pregnant and she looks very young so this may be a way to get people interested in watching the film
  • Transitions used effectively
  • Different settings/scenes throughout the trailer.
  • Institution shown right at the beginning
  • Background shows a typical teenagers room
  • Background music starts
  • Light humour to keep the audience interested
  • Music suddenly stops when something important is said
  • Name of the film shows up at the end.
  • Animated film.
  • Animated characters
  • Nararrator
  • different camera shots used
  • character dialogue
  • black and white
6. Angus thongs and perfect snogging
  • Narrarator
  • characters dialogue
  • card at the end to show everyone involved in the film
  • Background music
  • Different settings throughout the trailer
  • Music stops when something important is said
  • Title of the film is shown at the end
  • Different camera shots used effectively
7. Son of rambow
  • Narrarator
  • Charactrer dialogue
  • different location and settings
  • card at the end to show everybody involved in the film
  • Equilibrium
  • Disequilibrium
  • New Equilibrium