Friday 30 September 2011

My Pitch

My idea was about a young girl and boy in a long term relationship. They really like eachother however, everytime the girl would ask the boy if he was free to go out. He would always make excuses and they hardly ever went on dates. In the end the girl decides to break up with the boy as she doesnt think their relationship will last because she believes that he is hiding something from her and she thinks he may be cheating on her. Throughout this film, the girl never knew that her boyfriend had a mental illness and he was obsessed with her. This meant that if he saw her with another boy he would lose it and get jealous. He couldnt stand her talk to any boy apart from himself. After she breaks up with him he goes crazy and gets some people to kill her while shes waiting for her friends to go for dinner.
Genre: Thriller
Rating:- PG

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