Friday 9 September 2011

Assignment 3 - Movie Trailers

1. Ferris Buellers Day Off

  • Titles throughout the trailer
  • Dialogue from characters 
  • background music
  • Character speaking to camera - Direct Address
  • Different shot types used
  • Institution at the beginning - 20th century fox
  • Titles are repeated a few times to show importance, whilst background music is played and characters are talking. (Dialogue)
  • Characters name gets repeated several time also to show importance.
  • Close Ups used on facial expressions.
  • Different settings used throughout the trailer
  • Filom title shown again near the end of the trailer.
  • Quick cuts of different scenes throughout
  • slight humour to keep the audience interested and to make them want to watch it.
  • We find oout from the trailer that 3 people are taking a day off school.. this might want to make people watch it to see where they go and what happens to them.
  • Narraration used throughout
  • Dialogue from characters
  • Tells us what some of the characters are like
  • Lets us know who the characters are
  • card at the end to show everyone involved in the film and its making. E.g Director, producer.
  • Tells us the name of the film at the end
  • Institution is shown
  • Background music is used - No lyrics
3. The Breakfast Club
  • Institution shown at the beginning
  • quite (scary) voice over
  • Humming noise in the background
  • Different camera shots used
  • Settings were different throughout the trailer
  • Music gradually got louder towards the end which builds tension
  • Non human characters shown in the trailer which questions the audience and might make them want to watch the film.
  • Gunshots heard right at the beginning
  • Tells us that its about a princess from another world.
  • Could be an adventure in different worlds
  • Quick cuts throughout the trailer
  • Institution - Picturehouse
  • Towards the end everything gets quiter and the name of the film is told by the nararrator.
  • No character dialogue has been used. (Spanish film)
  • Slight amount of transitions used
  • As part of marketing purposes, Reviews have been used to show what an excellent film it actually is.
  • Dilemma right at the beginning
  • Audience is told straight away that the girl is pregnant and she looks very young so this may be a way to get people interested in watching the film
  • Transitions used effectively
  • Different settings/scenes throughout the trailer.
  • Institution shown right at the beginning
  • Background shows a typical teenagers room
  • Background music starts
  • Light humour to keep the audience interested
  • Music suddenly stops when something important is said
  • Name of the film shows up at the end.
  • Animated film.
  • Animated characters
  • Nararrator
  • different camera shots used
  • character dialogue
  • black and white
6. Angus thongs and perfect snogging
  • Narrarator
  • characters dialogue
  • card at the end to show everyone involved in the film
  • Background music
  • Different settings throughout the trailer
  • Music stops when something important is said
  • Title of the film is shown at the end
  • Different camera shots used effectively
7. Son of rambow
  • Narrarator
  • Charactrer dialogue
  • different location and settings
  • card at the end to show everybody involved in the film
  • Equilibrium
  • Disequilibrium
  • New Equilibrium

1 comment:

  1. Aishah - please change the background photos which are not suitable for your Media Studies school blog. Thanks
