Friday 18 November 2011

Practice Shots

The Overview of shots...

Mesmorised Girl:- With this shot we decided that it would be best to show the characters face in front of the camera through the computer screen next to the computer she was sitting at as well as showing the side of her face as you could connect with how she felt and it was very effective.

How did you achieve the shots you made?
- We achieved the shots we made by focusing on lighting, positioning of the camera, the character /characters in the shot, what was going on in front of the camera and the background depending on the scenarios we were given. 

Would you use any in your film?
- We would use the same techniques that we learnt today to show different emotions and movement as some were very effective and worked really well and could link into our film.  

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Representations of Characters

Melody:- Melody is one of the main characters in this film. She doesnt have any family and her mum recently passed away. Due to this Melody takes drugs to try and kill herself as she does not want to live alone. Throughout the film shes taken to hospital and returns as a ghost. She cannot be seen by anyone but does not realise it. Melody knows about Renee and her situation with her boyfriend Daniel and wants to help her but doesnt no how as she is now a ghost. Melody is represented as a very loving character and very bubbly before she lost her mum, now she is represented as a druggie who cant bare to live life alone any longer because she believes she has nothing else to live for and nothing to motivate her in life. Melody is also represented as lonely, sad and depressed as she has no one by her side.

Renee:- Renee is Daniels girlfriend in this film. She is also one of the main characters. Renee is having a lot of problems in her current relationship and doesnt know how to escape from this. Her boyfriend Dniel is very possessive over her and cannot stand to see her with another guy. Renee is afraid that Daniel will go to extreme lengths to keep her by his side. Renee is represented as a very fun loving girl who everyone loves. However throughout the film she is represented as frustrated, tired, angry, upset and left heartbroken.

Daniel:- In this film Daniel is Renee's boyfriend. He always makes excuses when she asks him if he would like to go out and because Renee cant put up with him anymore, she feels its necassery to end the relationship. Daniel is very possessive and doesnt want to let her go. He has know one else he feels closer too and therefore feels its necassary to keep Renee by his side. Daniel is represented as a very mean and aggressive character, he's also represented as possessive and obsessed with Renee as he cannot stand seeing her with another guy even though they may just be friends.

Doctor:- Sheida plays the doctor in this film who helps recover Melody after taking drugs. She looks after her as Melody has nobody else to turn to and is alone. The doctor is represented as a very caring person who's there to help anyone in trouble and need. This shows that the doctor is a soft character with a warm heart which people will look up to even though its the doctors job to look after his or her patients.

Sheida is playing the doctor
I will be playing Melody
Humaira will be playing Renee
Muraad will be playin Daniel
Bullies will be played by four girls...

Friday 4 November 2011

Cast List

Sheida:- Doctor
Humaira:- Renee (Girlfriend)
Aishah:- Melody Davidson (Girl who wants to commit suicide because her mum passed away who then becomes a ghost)
Bully 1:- Aysha
Bully 2:- Lil
Bully 3:- Kirsty
Boyfriend:- Still need to look for someone...

We chose these people as the bullies as we thought that they would play the roll well and it would work smoothly.

Monday 31 October 2011

Submarine (After Viewing)

Voiceover and Narrative:- Submarine makes very extensive use of voiceover. The use of voiceover in films is sometimes criticised, as there is a feeling that a film shoul rely on the visual narrative and the narrative conveyed in the dialogue.

What effects do you think are achieved by having Oliver speak directly to the audience through voiceover?
- Having Oliver doing the voiceovers is more effective than anyone doing the voiceover because the audience no that it is coming from the main character. Because of this, the audience can connect with Oliver more because the audience believe the audience is speaking directly to them.

Do you think there is a gap between what Oliver says about himself and the reality that we see on the screen? If so, what effects does this create?
- No because throughout the film Oliver is very open about everything thats on his mind. He's not afraid to say how he feels or what he wants and he makes the audience aware of everything on his mind. If there was a gap between what Oliver says about himself and the reality that we see on the screen, it would make it extremely confusing for the audience to understand the story because he would be saying one thing but then the reality we see on the screen would be different which is not the case.

The voiceover and Literature:-
Submarine is based on a 2008 novel by Joe Dunthorne. The influences of other books, especially JD Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye' (1951), have been discussed un relation to the film.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Submarine (Before Viewing)

Directed by:- Richard Ayoade
Certificate:- 15
Running time:- 97 Minutes
Release Date:- 18th March 2011
Writers:- Richard Ayoade and Joe Dunthorne
Stars:- Craig Roberts, Sally Hawkins and Paddy Considine

What sort of feeling and impact can music videos have and what effect could a music video style sequence achieve in a film?

- Music videos are effective in the sense that the lyrics connect with whats going on in the video. There is usually a story behind the words and sometimes its effective if your life or something you've been through connects with the lyrics. The lyrics and the video itself has a huge impact on the audience. It has to be suitable for the audience for them to enjoy it. If the video doesn't reflect on the lyrics then it will not make sense to the audience. This connects with films because between each scene in films, music is usually played. The right music has to be played in order to get the right feel of scene.

can you think of other films which feature extended montage sequences that are quite like music videos?


Sunday 9 October 2011

Film Classification

Films are classified according to their suitable audience. Some films are appropriate for some audiences and some are not. An (R18) rated film is only to be shown in specially licensed cinemas, or supplied only in licensed sex shops and to adults no less than 18 years of age. This is because it may involve sex or strong material/language involving adults. An (18) is only suitable for people 18 or over. A (15) is only suitable for people 15 plus. No on under 15 may see a 15 film in cinemas and no one under 15 may rent a 15 film. A 12A and 12 rated film is where the material shown is only suitable for people 12 years and over. Works classified at these categories may upset children under 12 or contain material which many parents will find unsuitable for them. The ‘12A’ category exists only for cinema films. No one younger than 12 may see a ‘12A’ film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult, and films classified ‘12A’ are not recommended for a child below 12. An adult may take a younger child if, in their judgement, the film is suitable for that particular child. In such circumstances, responsibility for allowing a child under 12 to view lies with the accompanying adult.The ‘12’ category exists only for video works. No one younger than 12 may rent or buy a ‘12’ rated video work. A PG rated film (Parental Guidance)is General viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children. Unaccompanied children of any age may watch. A ‘PG’ film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. However, parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger or more sensitive children. A (U) rated film is suitable for all. Universal – Suitable for all. It is impossible to predict what might upset any particular child. But a ‘U’ film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. ‘U’ films should be set within a positive moral framework and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat or horror.If a work is particularly suitable for a pre-school child to view alone, this will be indicated in the Consumer Advice.

Friday 30 September 2011

My Pitch

My idea was about a young girl and boy in a long term relationship. They really like eachother however, everytime the girl would ask the boy if he was free to go out. He would always make excuses and they hardly ever went on dates. In the end the girl decides to break up with the boy as she doesnt think their relationship will last because she believes that he is hiding something from her and she thinks he may be cheating on her. Throughout this film, the girl never knew that her boyfriend had a mental illness and he was obsessed with her. This meant that if he saw her with another boy he would lose it and get jealous. He couldnt stand her talk to any boy apart from himself. After she breaks up with him he goes crazy and gets some people to kill her while shes waiting for her friends to go for dinner.
Genre: Thriller
Rating:- PG

Monday 26 September 2011

Review Survey Homework

From the survey i submitted on google docs i saw that, 81% of 13-16 year olds 10% of 17-20 year olds and 10% 21+ replied and submitted their answers. 90% enjoyed the trailer and 10% did not. 67% of people said that they would pay to watch the movie in cinemas, 14% said they wouldnt pay to watch the movie in cinemas and 19% said they might pay to watch the movie in cinemas.
Here is the responses i got from the questions i asked...

To improve my questionnaire i could have included a few more questions about what their thoughts were before they watched the trailer and just read the movie title, How the trailer made them feel, whether they thought the trailer was successful in promoting the movie, whether the name of the movie caught their attention, and more.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging trailer

Focusing on Editing, Sound, titles and written language, picture (use of different shot types)

Trailer starts off with the main character speaking (Character Dialogue)
It quickly cuts into the Institution of the film which is paramount and (Nickelodeon Movies)

Music/Sound:- Specifically selected for the different scenes in the trailer. Its quite fast but then increases more speed as the trailer goes on. When there is spoken dialogue in between each short scene, the music goes back to how it was in the beginning then increases in speed again. The music also indictates the Genre of the film as in some parts its *Shes so lovely* which is a teenage song (stereotypically) It has a good beat to it and brings the trailer to life. This also helps to catch the audiences attention because its quite catchy.

Editing:/titles/written language- Each short scene in the trailer has very short cuts that you dont catch it you blink! However this isnt for all. Some scenes are set out from a typical teenage perspective. Its set out as a notebook/diary and the words "How to flaunt it" appears on it whilst the voice over (Narrarator) says it. Then it repeats however it says "How to stylet it" but on the right hand side of the page and previously it was on the left. The next short clip after that has a small transition which moves the page from left to right and goes straight into the next scene. Also the next scene after that has the same affect with whats being said by the narrarator on the diary which is "How to make an entrance" and it links in to the next scene. The next short clip in the trailer shows Georgia (The character that the narrarator is talking about) enter a room full of people dressed as an olive and everyone gasps and stares at her which is a freeze frame within the shot. After this is shows a clip (birds eye view) of school and people walking which speeds up.

Picture:- A range of different shot types have been used in this trailer such as...
Panning up then down whilst georgia says *Today is the first day of my life as the new georgia*
Long shots to show whats going on around them and shows the stereotypical *school girl* image.
Close Ups to show how the characters feeling and feels like you have a connection with them as it is quite life like.
Over the shoulder shot to see exactly what the character see's so your basically the character.

Different locations and settings are also in the trailer like...

- Georgia's house
- Out and about
- School
- Kitchen
- Her Bedroom
- at a party
- At the swimming pool

Friday 9 September 2011

Assignment 3 - Movie Trailers

1. Ferris Buellers Day Off

  • Titles throughout the trailer
  • Dialogue from characters 
  • background music
  • Character speaking to camera - Direct Address
  • Different shot types used
  • Institution at the beginning - 20th century fox
  • Titles are repeated a few times to show importance, whilst background music is played and characters are talking. (Dialogue)
  • Characters name gets repeated several time also to show importance.
  • Close Ups used on facial expressions.
  • Different settings used throughout the trailer
  • Filom title shown again near the end of the trailer.
  • Quick cuts of different scenes throughout
  • slight humour to keep the audience interested and to make them want to watch it.
  • We find oout from the trailer that 3 people are taking a day off school.. this might want to make people watch it to see where they go and what happens to them.
  • Narraration used throughout
  • Dialogue from characters
  • Tells us what some of the characters are like
  • Lets us know who the characters are
  • card at the end to show everyone involved in the film and its making. E.g Director, producer.
  • Tells us the name of the film at the end
  • Institution is shown
  • Background music is used - No lyrics
3. The Breakfast Club
  • Institution shown at the beginning
  • quite (scary) voice over
  • Humming noise in the background
  • Different camera shots used
  • Settings were different throughout the trailer
  • Music gradually got louder towards the end which builds tension
  • Non human characters shown in the trailer which questions the audience and might make them want to watch the film.
  • Gunshots heard right at the beginning
  • Tells us that its about a princess from another world.
  • Could be an adventure in different worlds
  • Quick cuts throughout the trailer
  • Institution - Picturehouse
  • Towards the end everything gets quiter and the name of the film is told by the nararrator.
  • No character dialogue has been used. (Spanish film)
  • Slight amount of transitions used
  • As part of marketing purposes, Reviews have been used to show what an excellent film it actually is.
  • Dilemma right at the beginning
  • Audience is told straight away that the girl is pregnant and she looks very young so this may be a way to get people interested in watching the film
  • Transitions used effectively
  • Different settings/scenes throughout the trailer.
  • Institution shown right at the beginning
  • Background shows a typical teenagers room
  • Background music starts
  • Light humour to keep the audience interested
  • Music suddenly stops when something important is said
  • Name of the film shows up at the end.
  • Animated film.
  • Animated characters
  • Nararrator
  • different camera shots used
  • character dialogue
  • black and white
6. Angus thongs and perfect snogging
  • Narrarator
  • characters dialogue
  • card at the end to show everyone involved in the film
  • Background music
  • Different settings throughout the trailer
  • Music stops when something important is said
  • Title of the film is shown at the end
  • Different camera shots used effectively
7. Son of rambow
  • Narrarator
  • Charactrer dialogue
  • different location and settings
  • card at the end to show everybody involved in the film
  • Equilibrium
  • Disequilibrium
  • New Equilibrium

Wednesday 8 June 2011

My Movie Plan...

Main Characters:- The Big O
Main Characters:- Victoria
Regular Characters:- 3 of Big O's friends
Regular Characters:- Charities

The Big O has special powers which he discovers as he gets older. He is a young guy who goes out to work like regular people and works day and night to support his Mum that has MS. His Dad died when he was very young and as he is the oldest in the family with two younger brothers and a younger sister, he has to do as much as he can to support them. As he grows up he finds his three best friends who support him as much as possible. They decide to become successful so that he could get enough money to help his Mum and find a cure for MS. Near to the end of the film he finds the love of his life. Throughout this scene he discovers that he has a special power which he likes to call The Big O. His wife and himself visit many different charities as now they have enough money to help others out. This is when they discover they have something special in their eyes which cure many diseases and changes peoples live for the better. Him and his wife go around the world to help severely sick people and save the lives of many.


Key Points are:-

- Family Friendly
- Not too many special effects
- Global Appeal
- TV focus on marketing

think about codes and conventions and perhaps representation

- Institutions and audiences - why are they made, why are they popular and with whom.
- ideas for film and synopsis
- Storyboard for TV Trailer
- Merchandise and how to promote the film.

Sunday 5 June 2011

My Action Adventure Movie (The Big O)

My Action Adventure is going to be based on a true story with a few twists and turns involved.
Some of the main characters will include:
Oritsé Williams: - Superhero
Aston Merrygold:- Friend of Superhero
Marvin Humes:- Friend of Superhero
JB Gill:- Friend of Superhero
Young girls:- Fans of the Superhero
Charities:- e.g Beat Bullying and Rays Of Sunshine

The Big O

The Big O is about a young guy who has big dreams and ambitions. During his childhood his Mum becomes severley ill and is diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) which attacks the nerveous system. He then decides to become a huge success and the only way to do this is get into the music industry. He becomes very successful after looking for members for the band and then manages to save not only his Mums life but the lives of many children around the world with his eyes. He was told by many people that just by his music he had saved millions of peoples lives. During his life he discovers he has powers which could help people. He is an Ordinary Singer by day and a Superhero by night. After his long and successful career he finds the woman of his dreams who is also his PERFECT match who realises they both were born with this special power. To find out more about what happens during his journey watch The Big O.

Wednesday 11 May 2011


what makes gladiator an action hero?

  • What he is wearing
  • what his name is
  • Body Structure
  • Weapons
  • Fighting 
  • tone of voice
The hero needs to be physically strong to be able to fight and travel long distances across difficult terrain. (Hancock) - In one particular scene. He lifts up cars with his bare hands and when he lands back down, he makes dents in to the ground. 

The hero needs to be intelligent and a quick thinker in order to solve problems. (Jackie Chan in Rush Hour) -  In one particular scene Jackie Chan is faced with a problem to fight around ten guys at once and he thinks fast and climbs a wall and hits the men with things that are around him which shows he's a very quick thinker. 

The hero needs to be a leader to have followers and gain our trust. (Robin Hood) - He is a leader of trained band of fighters which shows he is capable of leading a group. 

The hero needs to be unstoppable to keep the audience interested. (Hancock) - in one particular scene Hancock keeps trying to help people, and by helping others, he would ruin something else which would cause problems for the city. 

The hero needs to be experienced in order to cope with all dangers and obstacles. (Batman) - In one particular scene Batman has a mechanical cape which includes weapons and helps him fly. 

Why did you choose the heroes you chose?
- I chose these heroes because they really stand out in the film and even though they may not be the main character they still stand out because of how they act and how their character develops throughout the film to then become a hero and save people from things that are not good. 


-Superman is iconography. The superman symbol is used frequently and is recognisable to many.

Iconography:- Gladiator
gladiator_3.jpgWe can tell from the pictures that it is an Action Adventure film because the image shows two men fighting dressed in an armour holding swords. It connotes anger and the urge to win against the enemy. They are very built which shows strength and power. It shows low key lighting with shadows which may suggest death towards the end. The image also shows an audience which signifies power because they are all there for him and are supporting the gladiator.

Raiders-of-the-Lost-Ark-80s-films-431410_1024_768.jpgRaiders of the lost ark:- This is set in Egypt, i know this because of the transcript written all over the walls behind him, it also looks like he is sitting in a tomb. It is set using high key lighting which may represent a happy ending or a happy life. He is looking down at something with a worried facial expression which may connote he is afraid of something and or someone. He also has his hand out which may suggest he is reaching out for something. He is arabian, i no this as he is wearing arabian clothes which connotes that he is trying to fit in as he may be a spy or an undercover agent or maybe secret police trying to find out about something that he may think is going on. This image however does not show that it is based on an action adventure film as there is no fighting involved or any weapons shown in the image.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

casino royale

British Viewers
American Viewers

Action/Violence/ Weapons/Attractive Women: - this would appeal to Men as most men tend to like movies full of action and love a fight.
Man walking out of the sea/ Romance:- This may appeal to Woman as some women may want to watch it because of him and he could be connoted as one of the heroes in the movie. also because women are stereotyped to like romantic films.
American Viewers: As some people had an American Accent in the trailer. Expensive Cars, Planes,
Teens: Bombings
British Viewers: James Bond, British Film, Women had a british accent.

The two categories that had the most annotations was Men and American Viewers. The category that had the least was teenagers and adults.

I dont think that the makers of the film and trailer intentionally tried to involve the top two groups and, alienate the bottom two because. no matter whether your a teenager, men, women, adults, british or american, if the trailer interests you then that up to you whether you want to go and watch it or not. They haven't made the trailer/film just for a particular category. They would want a large audience and for that reason i don't think they have alienated the audience.

I think the figures of Casino Royale do support my ideas above because worldwide the gross was: $594,239,066. I don't think that the film would of been so successful if all of the categories listed above didn't go to watch it. I think because men, women, teenagers, and british and american viewers went to watch the film. it was more successful so it wasn't alienated for a particular person. However, if Men went to watch the film and no one else from the category above did, the gross wouldn't be as high as it is and they may have lost out on millions however the makers of the trailer had certain clips from the film which may appeal to different age group and genders so that more people would watch it.

Pirates of the Caribbean:- 3 things that are on the poster which suggests it fits in to action adventure...
- Holding Swords, connotes danger, fear and anger.
- Skull on the right, connotes death,
- scary looking man on the front.

The Fugitive:-
- Worried/ Scared facial expression
- Looks like he's running away from something
- Male

- Holding a sword, connotes power and suggests that people should be afraid of him.
- wearing an armour, connotes that he is ready to fight which suggests a battle.
- Background colour which is orangey brown which signifies fire and death.

- Two characters on the front are not normal humans which could connote fantasy action/adventure
- Planes flying around which suggests action taking place
- the actual name of the film 'Avatar'

The poster which seems to fit neatly in the action adventure genre is Pirates of the Caribbean. This is because it has a lot on it to suggest action and adventure. For example, the skull, the characters on the front with a scary facial expression which could be intimidating to the audience because they all have a slight look on their face. The swords also suggest action adventure because it could connote murder, a fight, a battle between others.

The hardest to define as an action adventure film is The fugitive. This is because the poster does not give much away. It is of a man who is running from something/someone but no one know why or who he's running from. Also the background is of a train which is quite blurred out from moving which could connote a murder because of the mans facial expression but you could not guess that from the poster.

What should an audience expect from a film in the Action Adventure genre?
An audience should expect a hero, villain, someone who may die or be saved by the hero. A happy ending in some or a tragic ending in another. it should include a lot of fighting and blood. It should be fairly typical in most action adventure movies and include a lot of weapons and a team of people on either side who are fighting for the opposite things. It should also have a plot which will involve murders, journeys, romance, and something that will come together and be sorted out in the end. It should control how much we already now till the very end to keep us watching and waiting to see what the outcome is in the end. This is because if it gives the story away people will lose interest and wont bother watching it.

Why are Action Adventure films so popular with audiences?
- People enjoy watching action and enjoy fighting
- The storylines are simple, short and easy to follow
- Most people prefer Action/Adventure compared to a lot of other genres as it can be quite entertaining
- It keeps you entertained and theres always something going on in the film
- Suspense
-You want to no what will happen and how it ends
- Some action adventure films have certain celebrities who play heroes/villains which will get more people to watch it
- It can be exciting depending on the storyline and how its structured.
- Often portray institutions
- Stereotypical Conflict

Why do some people criticise Action Adventure films?
Some people may criticise Action Adventure films because that particular genre may not interest them. The storyline in nearly every action adventure movie is the same. They are very predictable. It has a very simple theme and cheesy dialogues which people will not enjoy. They are also stereotyped as women who are the ones getting saved by the hero that is a male. Also low quality scripts.

Pitch Idea for a new Action Adventure film that shows many of the usual conventions of the Action Adventure genre. Ensure that at least one of your main character is 'Non Stereotypical' describe the film...

- Title: Shadowed Identity
- Age Certificate: 15 +
- plot:- The story is about a young guy called Nathan who goes through troubles to make his dream of being a musician become a reality. He struggles through his life as his dad was his rock and he died when Nathan was a little boy. Nathan goes on a journey of stardom and after everyone turning him down and going against him, his dreams come true. Once he becomes successful rumours started to spread about him saying he was an undercover superhero. Everyone is against him apart from the heros. Watch the film to find out what happens to him!
Aston:- Hero
Aishah:- Heroine
Alexandra Burke:- Villain
Nathan:- Victim

-What films inspired your idea: CatWomen
- How you have ensured that one character is 'non stereotypical.' I have made myself the hero as women are always sereotyped to be the weak ones in films as the victim. However my story is different as the woman saves the male instead which shows the stronger sides of girls!

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Action Adventure Notes

Explain the main features of action/adventure films and provide examples to support your ideas, referring to at least two action adventure films: -

  • Rush Hour
  • Hancock
Media Language - Storyline and Plot, Structure, Oppositional Characters, Journey/Quest, Action Sequences. 

The main features of a typical Action Adventure film always will involve a hero and a villain. 

Rush Hour:- This film is about a young girl who gets kidnapped by a couple of guys, two police officers then get on the case to find her and are represented as 'Heroes'. They are both represented as good guys who are out to fight crime and evil. The Institution is New Line Cinema and Roger Bimbaum. The main characters are Jackie Chan and and Chris Tucker. With time running out they must join forces to catch the criminals and save the eleven year old chinese girl named Soo Yung. Both main characters carry a gun and ID cards which connotes power and heroism. They are represented in this way for the audience to feel afraid of them both as they have power and weapons which would scare people. The language used in this film is not standard english and does include a few swear words and slang which may not be suitable for the younger audience. Throughout the storyline, both characters go on a journey together to find out exactly where the girl is and are concerned about her safety which signifies that they are caring and hardworking. the villain phones up Soo's father to threaten him and say that they will kill his daughter if they do not give them money.

Hancock:- This film is about a hard-living superhero who is in a questionable relationship with his wife as she does not know that he is a under cover superhero till later on in the film. The institution is columbia Pictures, Relativity Media, Blue Light. The main characters in this film are Will Smith, Charlize Theron, and jason Bateman. The storyline is based on Hancock and how he becomes the most hated man in Los Angeles, even though he saved many peoples lives, he ruined a lot of peoples property and it costs the country millions. Hancock is extremely powerful and can destroy things with his bare hands. This connotes power and strength. He is represented in this way as he is both the hero of the country and the one everyone is afraid of. 

Sunday 3 April 2011

New Action Adventure Films

The Matrix:


Thomas A. Anderson is a man living two lives. By day he is an average computer programmer and by night a malevolent hacker known as Neo. Neo has always questioned his reality but the truth is far beyond his imagination. Neo finds himself targeted by the police when he is contacted by Morpheus, a legendary computer hacker branded a terrorist by the government. Morpheus awakens Neo to the real world, a ravaged wasteland where most of humanity have been captured by a race of machines which live off of their body heat and imprison their minds within an artificial reality known as the Matrix. As a rebel against the machines, Neo must return to the Matrix and confront the agents, super powerful computer programs devoted to snuffing out Neo and the entire human rebellion.

Directors and writers: Andy Wachowski, Lana Wachowski
Stars: Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne and Carrie-Anne Moss.
Rating: 15
Duration: 136 minutes.
Released: 11th June 1999.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Why So Serious?

When the website has fully loaded,the first thing that was said was, 'This is a GCN traffic update' and a lot of commotion is heard in the background and people asking for help which connotes a bank robbery taken place by the joker, this is because a bank is mentioned. The first thing that caught my eye was the Jokers To Do list. It has a loads of jobs that he wants to complete some of which are; 'Make everyone everywhere look like me' this signifies that he is very vain or it connotes that he thinks he is absolutely amazing and everyone should look like him. 'Send cops down the wrong lane' which obviously signifies his character or being a very cheeky joker, who thinks doing and saying the wrong things is hilarious. When you click on to it, it comes up with a newspaper article which is titled, The Ha Ha Ha Times which denotes that this was written about the Joker. This website is similar to the poster because it has similar use of colour which is quite dull and dark. The poster and the website both have the words 'why so serious' which is another similarity. It is also similar because the poster is made up of Joker cards and the website was made for the Joker and has pictures of the Joker on there. They are different in the respects that the website doesnt have 'The dark knight' written on it anywhere, the webasite is not an image made up of Joker cards, however they both have a few quotes that were said in the film which makes it similar.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Action Adventure Movies

The three Movies i have chosen are...

- Rush Hour
- Hancock
- Avatar

Rush Hour

- 79% Rated                                               
- Genre: Action/Adventure, comedy
- Rated: pg 13
                                       - Released December 4th 1998
                                       - Distributor: New Line Cinema
                                       - Running Time: 1hr-38 mins
                                       - Directed by: Brett Ratner
                                       - Written by: Jim Kouf and Ross LaManna
                                       - Stars: Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan
                                       - Box Office Budget: (estimated) - $33,000,000
                                       - Production Company: New Line Cinema and Roger Birnbaum
Reviews from Rotten Tomatoes:
"I didn't have very high expectations for this film, and it was much better than I thought it was going to be."
"Terrific entertainment"


- Genre: Action, crime, fantasy, comedy
- Release Date: 2nd July 2008
- Director: Peter Burg
- Writers:- Vincent Ngo, Vince Gillian
- Stars: Will Smith, Charlize Theron and Jason Bateman
- Rated: pg 13
- Running Time: 1hr-32minutes
- Distributor: Columbia Pictures
- US Box Office: £227.9M
- 67% Rating
- Production - Columbia Pictures, Relativity Media, Blue Light

Reviews from Rotten Tomatoes:
"This is a different take on the superhero genre with an interesting, offbeat twist."
"The structure of Hancock is a bold risk that supplies more storytelling ambition than your more typical summer popcorn blockbuster."

- Director: James Cameron
- Writer: James Cameron
- Stars: Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver
- Release Date: December 17th 2009
- Budget: $237,000,000 (estimated)
- 92% Rating
- Genre: Action/Adventure, Mystery, suspense, science fiction and Fantasy
- Rated: pg 13
- Running Time: 2hours-50 mins
- US Box Office:£760.5M

Reviews from Rotten Tomatoes:
"As a fantasy epic, Avatar is an undeniable victory ... but outside of the narrow confines of immersion he's managed, it's also quite limited."
"As adventure movies go, it is impressively new in every way except the way that matters most -- storytelling. Its look will last. But its heart won't go on."

Friday 25 February 2011

Walkers Television Advert

This advert advertises Walkers Crisps. The advert itself is based on short story about how your sandwich could be more exciting with Walkers Crisps.
This advert includes celebrity Endorsements like JLS which will also help the sales rise, also get more people buying the crisps based on the advert itself.
At the beginning of the advert, the music playing is JLS: One Shot.
This may be because they are trying to tell you that you only get one shot, to buy these walkers crisps as they are that spectacular. After that it shows a man talking about how Walkers Crisps can be that little bit more exciting which may make you want to listen on for more. Or it could just simply make you want to carry on watching. It then shows a bunch full of six formers in a normal school assembly with a slight twist. The school teacher invites JLS onto the stage and everyones face lights up. This may be to show that with Walkers Crisps everyone is happy! The advert then continues on to people meeting up with others and people making sandwich with Walkers. This may show that Walkers makes everyone happy and it makes your sandwich that one bit more tastier. It also has a small slogan which says... "Any Sandwich is more exciting with Walkers" which obviously means no matter what sandwich you have, its always better with Walkers. At the end of the advert it has a website for people to go on to see what other exciting flavours they have to offer and much more!

Monday 14 February 2011

Perfume Print Advert

This Perfume Print Advert is for the perfume 'Calvin Klein' 'Beauty'
It has a white background which may represent purity and cleanliness. It is very simple with only black and white with a few shadows and a model on the front. The lady is wearing a simple white dress which blends her into the background. This may be because they want to focus more on the product than the actual model; so people remember the name and the company get more sales. The perfume brand is written on top of the ladies white dress in black to make it stand out and quite eye-catching. The name of the perfume which is beauty is also written in black on top of her white dress to make the name stand out to the audience also. The typography has been written in simple and capitals. The perfume bottle is in the bottom right hand corner which is quite bold and noticable to the audience. The target audience would be women from 18-50 who just like to smell good. It represents freshness and cleanliness as its a perfume which is a product to make you smell good. As long as you like perfumes this will be perfect for you!

Action Adventure Trailer - The Chronicles Of Narnia

Genre: Action and Adventure, Family
Director: Michael Apted
Run Time: 115 Minutes

The Chronicles Of Narnia is an Action Adventure film for the whole family to watch. It is based on brothers and sisters going on an adventure which involves barriers along the way.

Monday 17 January 2011

Adverts that dont work

The advert which i thought did not work at all was the Toyota Yaris: Treat it with respect advert.
The reason for this is because i just dont understand what its about. The concept does not add up and the advert does not make any sense to me. One minute the man has seen someone who hes a fan of; and the next minute it shows the girl, showing him the picture she took of them on her phone. This may get people to think its either an advert about a camera or a new mobile phone. Not everyone will no what the advert is about until it comes up saying 'Toyota Yaris' no matter how many times i watch it i dont understand it. I dont know why the director thought it was a good idea to do it in the way it was done. This advert just doesnt work.

Monday 3 January 2011

Television Log

Programme watched: This Is JLS
1 hour programme
channel: ITV1

Adverts before programme started:
Pop Party 8 Advert
DFS Sofa's Advert
Calvin Klein Advert
Halfords Advert
Sekonda watches Advert

Adverts after first half of the programme:
Sekonda Watches Advert
X Factor Finals Advert
Wii Party Advert
Coca Cola Advert
John Lewis Advert

Adverts After:
Sekonda Watches Advert
Coca Cola Advert
WHSmiths Advert
Calvin Klein Advert
Sekonda Watches Advert

These adverts show that the programme was for young adults or even people in their 20's; early 30's. This is because they showed adverts like... Pop Party 8 which is an album with singers such as Rihanna, JLS, The Wanted, Usher. Also because they didnt show any new adverts in between the programme or after. This is because they wanted to show adverts which appealed to the Target Audience of the people watching the programme, also to advertise what will interest the people watching. An advert which kept appearing before, in between and even after the programme was the 'Sekonda Watches Advert' this is because it was a sponsored advert. They didnt show adverts which were for the older generation as the programme appealed to the younger audience. This is why they even showed the Coca Cola and X Factor finals advert because it is what teenagers and young adults enjoy/like.